Compost Enhancement 

In conjunction with Peat’s Soils and Fight Food Waste CRC, NUE Lab are developing smart formulation organic fertilisers. 

Healthier foods

Biofortified with micronutrients essential for a healthy human diet

Smart formulation

Our formulation includes slow releasing macro- and micro-nutrients needed for optimal plant growth 

Happy farmers

100% organic, sustainably sourced, produced from ‘waste’, and bioavailable to plants

Our fertiliser blend is scientifically developed to ensure both farmer and crop are happy. Our formulation uses natural processes to convert ‘waste’ products, which nutrients aren’t as available to plants, into a fertiliser which feeds the plant when they’re hungry

Researchering this topic

NUE Lab_Susanne-Schmidt

Prof. Susanne Schmidt

Susanne’s passion for plant nutrition has resulted in a diverse research portfolio at the intersect of agriculture and ecology. Her research focusses on tropical plants, soils and microbes – from fundamental to applied.

As an educator, she coordinates and teaches undergraduate courses in plant science and ecology. Students graduating from her team work in industry, academia and government.

UQ Researchers Profile

ORCiD Profile

Schmidt Lab UQ NUE Lab

Michael Walsh

Michael’s Ph.D looks to improve regenerative agriculture through the use of sustainably sourced and recycled ‘waste’. Michael has a special interest in phosphorus materials, microbiology, and soils. His background in geology and food science gives him a holistic approach to improving Australia’s agriculture from fertiliser development to farm, plate, and nutrient recycling.

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